Stepping up protection against seasonal influenza
This year, the influenza season in Europe is even more challenging due to the possible co-circulation of COVID-19 and the flu.
For most of us, the consequences will not be serious. However, for vulnerable groups like pregnant women, young children and older people, as well as immunocompromised people, influenza can be dangerous. This is why the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control and the World Health Organisation recommend annual vaccination as one of the best ways to prevent severe disease and complications. Healthcare professionals should also get vaccinated to protect their patients from being infected.
Get vaccinated: get protected
Influenza viruses constantly mutate and vaccines need to adapt accordingly, therefore it is important for those at risk to have a yearly flu shot.
This, along with other personal protective measures, such as washing your hands and wearing a well-fitting face covering, can protect you and help those around you.
Addressing misinformation and disinformation
What is one of the biggest threats to public health? It is not any particular virus or bacteria: it is the spread of false or misleading information about vaccines.
Flu can lead to serious complications, so take a moment to gather all the facts and talk to your healthcare provider before making your decision.
#UnitedInProtection Toolkit
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