A lifelong approach to vaccination
Vaccines used in the EU are safe and effective. They go through a rigorous testing process before being approved for the EU market and are closely monitored after.
For over 200 years, vaccination has been one of the best ways for parents to protect their children from severe illness, hospitalisation or even death.
But vaccination is not only for youngsters. Some vaccine-preventable diseases are particularly prevalent and serious in teens or adults.
A small step, lifelong benefits
The EU vaccine scheduler can help you get informed about the recommended vaccines and boosters for every stage of life. Check with your family doctor to make sure everyone is up to date on nationally recommended vaccines.
Let’s take a small step now to bring lifelong benefits for all.
The European Union is united in many aspects of life. Today, we can also be #UnitedInProtection thanks to vaccination, which can shield our community from deadly and incapacitating diseases.
Get vaccinated: get protected
Vaccination helps our immune defences overcome a disease it may be exposed to. Even though a vaccinated person can still get ill, usually, the symptoms are milder and recovery is faster.
This is why vaccination is an important decision for us all, both as individuals and as sign of solidarity with our loved ones, friends and neighbours who, for various reasons, cannot be vaccinated. Let’s remember that our personal decisions affect them too.
The vaccines in numbers
Addressing misinformation and disinformation
Today, digital and social media channels allow information to travel faster and further than ever before. However, this can also lead to confusion and contribute to the amplification of false or misleading messages. In recent years, we have seen how this can affect vaccine confidence.
The fight against mis- and disinformation is a joint effort.
- Creating resilience against misinformation
- Listening and responding to concerns and questions
- Prebunking to seize the narrative before misinformation spreads
- Debunking misinformation that is circulating
- Working in close cooperation with online platforms
- Engaging and empowering communities to take positive action
And you can help too.
Facts Matter: Let’s decide about vaccination based on reliable information and pause before sharing anything online.
Useful links
The amazing adventures of Syrgo and BC - Volume 1, Vaccines (Comic book)
Teacher training online course
Useful websites
Questions & Answers: EU cooperation on vaccine preventable diseases
#UnitedInProtection Toolkit + Poster
- Digital kit - Подход за ваксинация през целия животDownloadбългарски
- Digital kit - Un enfoque permanente de la vacunaciónDownloadespañol
- Digital kit - Celoživotní přístup k očkováníDownloadčeština
- Digital kit - En livslang tilgang til vaccinationDownloaddansk
- Digital kit - Eine lebenslange Einstellung zur ImpfungDownloadDeutsch
- Digital kit - Kaitsesüstid kogu eluksDownloadeesti
- Digital kit - Δια βίου προσέγγιση του εμβολιασμούDownloadελληνικά
- Digital kit - Une approche de la vaccination tout au long de la vieDownloadfrançais
- Digital kit – A védőoltás élethossziglani megközelítéseDownloadhrvatski
- Digital kit - Un approccio alla vaccinazione che dura tutta la vitaDownloaditaliano
- Digital kit - Pieeja vakcinācijai visa mūža garumāDownloadlatviešu
- Digital kit - Verčiau nusiteikti skiepytis visą gyvenimąDownloadlietuvių
- Digital kit – A védőoltás élethossziglani megközelítéseDownloadmagyar
- Digital kit – Approċċ tul il-ħajja għat-tilqimDownloadMalti
- Digital kit – Nastawienie do szczepień na całe życieDownloadpolski
- Digital kit - Uma abordagem da vacinação ao longo de toda a vidaDownloadportuguês
- Digital kit - O abordare pe viață a vaccinăriiDownloadromână
- Digital kit – Celoživotný prístup k očkovaniuDownloadslovenčina
- Digital kit - Vseživljenjski pristop k cepljenjuDownloadslovenščina
- Digital kit - Elämänpituinen lähestymistapa rokottamiseenDownloadsuomi
- Digital kit - Ett livslångt förhållningssätt till vaccineringDownloadsvenska
- ПЛАКАТ - Подход за ваксинация през целия животDownloadбългарски
- PÓSTER - Un enfoque permanente de la vacunaciónDownloadespañol
- POSTER - Celoživotní přístup k očkováníDownloadčeština
- PLAKAT/POSTER - En livslang tilgang til vaccinationDownloaddansk
- POSTER - Eine lebenslange Einstellung zur ImpfungDownloadDeutsch
- POSTER - Kaitsesüstid kogu eluks_EEDownloadeesti
- ΑΦΙΣΑ - Δια βίου προσέγγιση του εμβολιασμού_ELDownloadελληνικά
- POSTER - Une approche de la vaccination tout au long de la vie_FRDownloadfrançais
- POSTER - Cjeloživotni pristup cijepljenju_HRDownloadhrvatski
- POSTER-Un approccio alla vaccinazione che dura tutta la vita_ITDownloaditaliano
- PLAKĀTS - Pieeja vakcinācijai visa mūža garumā_LVDownloadlatviešu
- PLAKATAS - Verčiau nusiteikti skiepytis visą gyvenimą_LTDownloadlietuvių
- POSZTER – A védőoltás élethossziglani megközelítése_HUDownloadmagyar
- POSTER – Approċċ tul il-ħajja għat-tilqim_MTDownloadMalti
- PLAKAT – Nastawienie do szczepień na całe życie_PLDownloadpolski
- PÓSTER - Uma abordagem da vacinação ao longo de toda a vida_PTDownloadportuguês
- POSTER - O abordare pe viață a vaccinării_RODownloadromână
- PLAGÁT – Celoživotný prístup k očkovaniu_SKDownloadslovenčina
- POSTER - Vseživljenjski pristop k cepljenju_SLDownloadslovenščina
- JULISTE - Elämänpituinen lähestymistapa rokottamiseen_FIDownloadsuomi
- POSTER - Ett livslångt förhållningssätt till vaccinering_SEDownloadsvenska
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