Closing COVID-19 vaccination gaps
All authorised vaccines in the EU are safe and offer good protection against severe disease, hospitalisation and death. Even in the face of new variants, they are powerful tools for protecting our health - especially when combined with other measures like frequent hand washing and staying home when you are unwell.
#UnitedInProtection we can close COVID-19 vaccination gaps.
Get vaccinated: get protected
COVID-19 might not be as prominently on the radar screen as previously, but this does not mean it has disappeared. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control and the European Medicines Agency recommend prioritising vaccination for the most vulnerable. This includes people aged 60 years of age and above, people with weakened immune systems and underlying health conditions that put them at higher risk of severe COVID-19, as well as pregnant women and healthcare workers.
Help spread the word and book your vaccination if eligible.
Addressing misinformation and disinformation
Throughout the pandemic, large amounts of information circulated including some which was false or misleading. This affected people’s choices and behaviour, impacting confidence in public health responses, including vaccination.
Everyone can help save lives by sharing reliable and science-based information.
#UnitedInProtection Toolkit
- Digital kit - Closing COVID-19 vaccination gapsбългарски
- Digital kit - Closing COVID-19 vaccination gapsespañol
- Digital kit - Closing COVID-19 vaccination gapsčeština
- Digital kit - Closing COVID-19 vaccination gapsdansk
- Digital kit - Closing COVID-19 vaccination gapsDeutsch
- Digital kit - Closing COVID-19 vaccination gapseesti
- Digital kit - Closing COVID-19 vaccination gapsελληνικά
- Digital kit - Closing COVID-19 vaccination gapsfrançais
- Digital kit - Closing COVID-19 vaccination gapshrvatski
- Digital kit - Closing COVID-19 vaccination gapsitaliano
- Digital kit - Closing COVID-19 vaccination gapslatviešu
- Digital kit - Closing COVID-19 vaccination gapslietuvių
- Digital kit - Closing COVID-19 vaccination gapsmagyar
- Digital kit - Closing COVID-19 vaccination gapsMalti
- Digital kit - Closing COVID-19 vaccination gapspolski
- Digital kit - Closing COVID-19 vaccination gapsportuguês
- Digital kit - Closing COVID-19 vaccination gapsromână
- Digital kit - Closing COVID-19 vaccination gapsslovenčina
- Digital kit - Closing COVID-19 vaccination gapsslovenščina
- Digital kit - Closing COVID-19 vaccination gapssuomi
- Digital kit - Closing COVID-19 vaccination gapssvenska
- Videoбългарски
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- VideoDeutsch
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- Videoελληνικά
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